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Occupational Safety & Health​ - Induction (CH)
Occupational Safety & Health​ - Induction (CH)

Reminder: Please ensure you select the correct onboarding OSH training for your location. This training is specifically for Switzerland. If you are not based in Switzerland, please follow this link.

Rappel : Veuillez vous assurer de sélectionner la formation d'accueil SST correspondant à votre localisation. Cette formation est spécifiquement pour la Suisse. Si vous n'êtes pas basé en Suisse, veuillez suivre ce lien.

LOTO procedure presentation (FR)
LOTO procedure presentation (FR)

Procédure de contrôle des énergies et cadenassage 

LOTO procedure presentation (EN)
OSH instruction - EMI/EMC TB
OSH instruction - EMI/EMC TB

Health & Safety instructions applicable to the EMI/EMC test bench

OSH instruction - Vibration TB
OSH instruction - Vibration TB

Health & Safety instructions applicable to the Vibration (shaker) test bench

OSH instruction - BM FTB
OSH instruction - BM FTB

Health & Safety instructions applicable to the BM functional test bench

OSH instruction - BM ATP TB
OSH instruction - BM ATP TB

Health & Safety instructions applicable to the BM ATP test bench

OSH instruction - EFC ATP test bench
OSH instruction - EFC ATP test bench

Health & Safety instructions applicable to the EFC ATP test bench

OSH instruction - BMU TB
OSH instruction - BMU TB

Health & Safety instructions applicable to the BMU test bench

Dangerous Goods Transportation - prototype batteries
Dangerous Goods Transportation - prototype batteries

How to safely transport prototype batteries by road